Showing 11,581-11,590 of 12,007 results

Sports & Events Was My Face Red…
by Lori Herbel We've all had those great moments in herding when our own outstanding handling expertise and our dog's natural, God-given talents have put us in awe and made our hearts swell, and given us cause to be proud to be herders. But why, oh why do those moments seem to be much fewer […] | October 26, 2017
Sports & Events Judges Speak Out
by Lori Herbel   Wouldn't it be nice if you went to a trial and knew what the judge was looking for? Many times exhibitors go to a trial and have no clue what's important to that judge, that day. Of course they all judge by the rules and regulations in the orange book, but […] | October 26, 2017
Sports & Events Scribing 101
by Lori Herbel Judging a herding trial is a tremendous responsibility. Consistency and fairness are the top priorities of the day, and the ability to comfortably make sensible split second decisions under pressure is a necessity. In order to help carry out this responsibility, a judge needs a trustworthy assistant by his side that he […] | October 26, 2017
Sports & Events Attitude
by Joy Sebastian-Hall A factor that influences every facet of our daily lives is attitude. How well a thing is accomplished, how quickly it gets done, how a person feels about it, all boils down to attitude. Herding is a dog sport that can have radically different results depending on the attitude of a handler, […] | October 26, 2017
Sports & Events How to Get the Most out of a Herding Clinic
Clinic by Lori Herbel "My dog has become really pushy lately. We seem to be in constant battle all the time. I can't figure out why!" "I've never started a dog in herding before. I have no clue what to do. Help!!" "Why does my dog quit when I try to teach him new things? […] | October 26, 2017
Sports & Events “Rocky” Earns First Master Herding Title
As 's breeder, owner and handler, I was thrilled to hear that he is the first dog to earn a Master Herding title! He finished his AKC Herding Championship in June of 2010 in two weekends with five 3 point major wins on both sheep and ducks. In 2011, I decided to try Advanced A […] | October 26, 2017
Expert Advice: Government Relations USDA Updates Its Policy on Using Microchips to Identify Regulated Animals
  The United States Department of Agriculture Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (USDA/APHIS) has issued new guidance that allows USDA licensees and registrants to use microchips to officially identify regulated animals without having to request a variance. USDA-licensed dog breeders, owners, transporters, and other regulated entities can view USDA’s May 23, 2016 bulletin and […] | May 26, 2016
Sports & Events Raising Ducks for Herding Trials
By Joyce Norris I have been raising and leasing ducks for herding trials for about 6 years. Most judges and exhibitors say "They are the best ducks they have ever seen." This does take some work. My ducks work well in groups of 5. If a duck gets split off by a dog it will […] | October 26, 2017
Sports & Events Vanished Trials and Faded Memories of Australian Shepherd History
(c) 2007 Ernest Hartnagle and Jeanne Joy Hartnagle-Taylor Some historians propose Basques and their sheepdogs from the Pyrenees played an insignificant role in the history of the Australian Shepherd breed. Secondly, Basques did not to go Australia with their "little blue dogs" and then come to the U.S. with boatloads of sheep. Thirdly, the Basque […] | October 26, 2017
Sports & Events First AKC Spanish Water Dog Herding Titles Awarded
First AKC Spanish Water Dog Herding Titles Awarded August 22-23, 2008 - Battle Ground, WA Two Spanish Water Dogs wrapped up the first AKC herding titles, earning PT titles on sheep this weekend (August 22-23) at the All Breed Herding Club of Western Washington AKC herding trial at Brigand's Hideout, Battle Ground, WA. "Pink" (Ch. […] | October 26, 2017

Showing 11,581-11,590 of 12,007 results