Showing 11,291-11,300 of 12,008 results

Legislative Alerts Oklahoma May Permit BSL in Cities — Updated
AKC has learned that Rep. Guy Liebmann has withdrawn H1282 from consideration. Congratulations to the many dog owners who alerted Rep. Liebmann to the problems with breed-specific legislation! However, Sen. Jim Reynolds's companion bill (S247) is still scheduled for introduction next week. Please keep up the concerned phone calls, letters and e-mails! See below for […] | February 1, 2005
Legislative Alerts BSL Introduced in New Mexico – Update!
AKC has learned that last night the Senate Public Affairs Committee postponed hearing SB188. The bill will NOT be on the schedule for today's meeting, however it will likely be heard in the near future, perhaps as early as next week. Please check the New Mexico Legislature's Committee Calendar for scheduling information. Fanciers are […] | February 4, 2005
Legislative Alerts Fanciers, Hunters Concerned About Texas Cruelty Bill
Hunters and dog fanciers in Texas are extremely concerned about HB326 and its companion, SB172. The identical bills would amend the state's cruelty law in several ways. First, the measures make it a crime to cause bodily injury to an animal, with "animal" being defined as any "nonhuman mammal, bird or captive amphibian or reptile." […] | February 3, 2005
Legislative Alerts Virginia Breeders Face Licensing and Mandatory Spay/Neuter Bill – Update!
UPDATE: HB2927 was stricken from the docket on February 2nd. Many thanks to the Virginia Federation of Dog Clubs and the countless Virginia dog owners who helped make this victory possible! Please continue to watch our Web site for information about other pending legislation in Virginia.    [Monday, January 24, 2005] Immediate help is needed […] | February 3, 2005
Legislative Alerts Washington State Dog Owners: We Need Your Help!
Legislation has once again been introduced (H1016) that would prohibit insurance companies from discriminating against homeowners based on the breed of dog they own. A similar bill was considered in Washington last year but failed to pass. Your help is needed to ensure that this positive legislation is finally enacted into law! Finding and keeping […] | February 1, 2005
Legislative Alerts Immediate Help Needed on Insurance Bill in New Jersey
The Assembly Financial Institutions and Insurance Committee is currently considering A1135, a bill to prohibit insurance companies from discriminating against homeowners based on the breed of dog they own. The American Kennel Club believes that insurance companies should determine coverage of a dog-owning household based on the dog’s deeds, not the dog’s breed, and we […] | October 1, 2004
Legislative Alerts Oklahoma May Permit BSL in Cities
Oklahoma is currently one of 12 states that prohibit municipalities from enacting breed-specific laws. That would change if S247 (scheduled to be introduced February 7) is allowed to pass. Sponsored by Sen. Jim Reynolds, the bill allows cites and counties to regulate dangerous dogs based on breed. The American Kennel Club strongly supports sound, enforceable, […] | January 19, 2005
Legislative Alerts Stanislaus County, CA Faces Breeding Restrictions
A fast-moving proposal in Stanislaus County could severely impact the breeding rights of local fanciers. The proposed ordinance is scheduled for a public hearing on Tuesday, November 30 at 9:35 AM. If enacted, the ordinance would: Require owners to obtain a $100 annual license for intact dogs or cats over the age of four months. […] | November 18, 2004
Legislative Alerts Two Important Bills Would Impact NJ Dog Owners
New Jersey fanciers are currently facing two pieces of legislation that would directly affect dog ownership in the Garden State. The first, A1135, would prohibit insurance companies from discriminating against homeowners based on the breed of dog they own. A1135 passed out of committee with overwhelming support last week after dog owners turned out in […] | October 13, 2004
Legislative Alerts Capitol Hill Welcomes Purebred Dog Fancy
Shouldering bright blue tote bags with the American Kennel Club logo prominently displayed on the side, AKC Legislative Liaisons from across the country ascended the steps of Capitol Hill on September 29th, ready to bring the fancy's concerns to Congress. The Hill visits were the culmination of this year's Lobby Day, an event hosted by […] | October 8, 2004

Showing 11,291-11,300 of 12,008 results