Showing 1,121-1,130 of 1,891 results

Expert Advice: Breeding & Whelping A Gundog Breeder’s Diary: The Adventure of Raising Brittany Puppies
The pups are 5 weeks old as I start writing this piece. Feeding is twice a day; their mom is only with them at night. Within the next several days, the pups will be without their mom—weaning completed and on their own. Because it is summer with warm temperatures, the pups have spent all their […] | March 15, 2015
Expert Advice: Breeding Tips & Best Practices Puppy Training Tips For Breeders
All puppy training takes time and effort, but the results are worth it. The way a breeder trains puppiesvaries from breeder to breeder -- and these things can change as experiences dictate. Following are tips on supplies and methods that have proven to work well. Supplies Needed A fence or gate to contain the puppies. […] | March 23, 2015
Expert Advice: Puppy Health Raising a Healthy Dog Begins With Proper Puppy Diet
Raising a healthy dog takes more thought than just dropping some kibble in a bowl. Good food and sound nutrition habits set your puppy on the path to a long and healthy life Find out the nutritional needs for each stage of a growing pup plus what you should never do (and what you should […] | May 7, 2015
Expert Advice: Puppy Training New Dog Owners Must Avoid Mistakes in Puppy Rearing
A Few Puppy Don’tsHaving a new puppy is a lot like parenting. We need to find the line between being overprotective and providing the puppy with a safe environment to let his personality develop. A few of the don’ts about puppy rearing: Puppies love to play, but don’t get too rough. Be careful playing games […] | May 12, 2015
Expert Advice: Puppy Health Best Time to Bring a Puppy Home from the Breeder
ASK AKC Dear AKC: I am considering buying a Chihuahua from a breeder who is letting the pups go at 6 weeks old. I have always heard that puppies should not be weaned until they are at least 8 weeks. Should I consider a different breeder? -- Early Arrivals Dear Early: Every breeder has their […] | May 17, 2015
little dog in the airline cargo pet carrier, at the airport after a long journey
Expert Advice: Travel & Adventure Airline Pet Policies: A Guide to Dog Travel Requirements for Flying
As people around the world start to travel again, dog owners should be aware that many airlines have changed their rules on pet travel during the past year. So what do you need to know before flying with your dog, and what are the various airlines' requirements? We've got you covered. Note: These guidelines are […] | April 5, 2021
Expert Advice: Fun Facts Living Large: Raising an Irish Wolfhound Puppy
Are you considering getting an Irish Wolfhound puppy? If so, it’s certainly understandable. These sweet-tempered creatures have beguiled us since ancient times. Originally bred as fearless big-game hunters capable of dispatching a wolf in single combat, Wolfhounds today are the most serene and agreeable of companions for owners of all ages. But, with big dogs […] | December 30, 2015
Why puppies and female dogs hump or mount social
Expert Advice: Puppy Health Why Puppies and Dogs Hump (or Mount)
Owners are often amused or embarrassed when their dog or puppy begins humping or mounting a person, object, or another dog. Humping, or mounting, is typically seen when a dog is over excited, hence why it happens frequently when groups of dogs are playing. It's not an abnormal behavior among dogs; however, it does have the potential […] | December 30, 2015
Legislative Alerts Alabama Success: Bill Allowing Dogs in Outdoor Seating Areas of Restaurants Enacted
Good news!  The voices of responsible dog owners were heard in Montgomery. Yesterday, Alabama Governor Kay Ivey signed House Bill 235, which authorizes food service establishments to allow pet dogs in outdoor restaurant seating areas if the company wishes to do so. The new law takes effect on August 1, 2021. Read AKC Government Relations’ […] | May 21, 2021
Golden Retriever holding a leash up to a woman laying on a couch.
Expert Advice: Home & Living How to Prep Your House for a Pet Sitter
By Anna Burke and Harriet Meyers One weekend last winter, my neighbor managed to schedule a relaxing getaway to soak up the sun in Florida. She made arrangements for a pet sitter to care for her Rhodesian Ridgeback, and left the sitter the code to the keypad on the garage door and several pages of […] | May 21, 2021

Showing 1,121-1,130 of 1,891 results