Showing 11,281-11,290 of 12,008 results

Legislative Alerts UPDATE: CA Ear Crop Bill Developments
UPDATE! AB418 has been set for hearing in the Assembly Committee on Public Safety on Tuesday, April 5th at 9 a.m. in Room 126. The Animal Council is urging dog clubs to submit formal letters on their own letterhead to the committee consultant. Letters should be clearly marked "AB 418 - Dogs: animal cruelty: ear […] | March 22, 2005
Legislative Alerts Update: CA Ear Crop Bill Referred to Committee
AB418, Asm. Paul Koretz’s bill to ban ear cropping in California, has been referred to the Assembly Committee on Public Safety. However, no action can be taken on the bill until mid-March. AKC will continue to provide updates as we learn when AB418 is scheduled for a hearing. Read more about this negative legislation in […] | March 1, 2005
Legislative Alerts Illinois BSL Update
Update! Sen. Sandoval’s office has told AKC and the Illinois Dog Clubs and Breeders Association that the Senator has reconsidered his position on SB1790 and will no longer support it. Many thanks to the countless dog owners who responded swiftly to our initial alert with calls and e-mails—your efforts made all the difference! With breed-specific […] | March 9, 2005
Legislative Alerts Newly-Amended IL Bill Targets Fanciers
HB1128 has resurfaced in Illinois with amended language that will directly impact anyone who shows and/or breeds dogs. Fanciers will recall that this bill originally would have permitted cities and counties to enact breed-specific laws. Dog owners successfully convinced legislators not to support such language and were pleased to learn that Rep. Jerry Mitchell had […] | March 12, 2005
Legislative Alerts Illinois Looks at BSL
Rep. Jerry Mitchell has introduced HB1128, a bill to allow Illinois municipalities to enact breed-specific laws. (A statewide dangerous dog law passed only two years ago prohibits such legislation.) The bill is scheduled to be heard by the House Committee on Agriculture and Conservation on Wednesday, February 23rd at 2 p.m. The American Kennel Club […] | February 11, 2005
Legislative Alerts Breeder Licensing Bill Introduced in Illinois
Illinois dog owners, your help is needed immediately to oppose HB707. Sponsored by Rep. Elaine Nekritz, the bill would amend the state’s Animal Welfare Act by requiring licenses for all “animal caretakers.” This definition includes but is not limited to anyone who sells, exchanges, or offers for adoption dogs, cats, birds, fish, reptiles, and other […] | February 8, 2005
Legislative Alerts BSL Defeated in IL, OK
AKC is pleased to report that thanks to strong opposition by responsible dog owners, two state-level breed-specific initiatives have been stopped in their tracks. In Oklahoma, Sen. Reynolds recently dropped his support of SB247, which would have allowed municipalities to enact breed-specific laws. Without the Senator's support, the bill effectively died in committee. On Wednesday, […] | February 25, 2005
Legislative Alerts California State Bill Would Prohibit Ear Cropping
As many fanciers are now aware, officials in West Hollywood, California recently proposed a city ordinance that would ban ear cropping, tail docking and other non-therapeutic measures. AKC has been actively working with California fanciers and parent clubs to oppose the ordinance. The California Veterinary Medical Association (CVMA) shared AKC’s concern over the measure because […] | February 18, 2005
Legislative Alerts Vermont Considers Breeder Licensing
Attention Vermont fanciers! Sen. John Campbell is sponsoring S66, a bill that would amend the definition of "pet merchant" to include anyone who sells, exchanges, or donates animals. Duly incorporated humane societies would be exempt. Under existing law in Vermont, "pet merchants" must be licensed by the state at a cost of $150 per year. […] | February 23, 2005
Legislative Alerts West Hollywood, CA Considers Crop/Dock Ban (UPDATE)
At last night's meeting, Mayor John Duran followed through with his introduction of a motion to ban ear cropping, tail docking, debarking and other non-therapeutic procedures. If such a measure is allowed to pass, it will establish a very dangerous model for other cities and states to follow. Help is needed immediately from fanciers --particularly […] | February 8, 2005

Showing 11,281-11,290 of 12,008 results