Showing 11,271-11,280 of 12,008 results

Legislative Alerts CA Ear Crop Bill Stopped in Committee
AB418, a bill to ban ear cropping of dogs, was held on the Suspense File yesterday by the Assembly Appropriations Committee. The bill may not be considered again until spring of 2006 when yet another Suspense hearing will be held. While AB418 could indeed be released next year, the proposed legislation is dead for 2005. […] | May 26, 2005
Legislative Alerts Ohio Looks at Repealing Breed-Specific Law
In response to a state Supreme Court decision last year that declared part of Ohio's breed-specific dangerous dog law unconstitutional , Representatives Kathy Walcher and Shawn Webster are sponsoring HB189. The bill makes significant revisions to the state's dangerous dog law, the most important being the repeal of an existing breed-specific provision that automatically declares […] | May 3, 2005
Legislative Alerts Immediate Help Needed to Oppose Texas BSL
Attention Texas dog owners! Rep. Al Edwards of Houston is sponsoring HB1096, a bill which would exempt any cities with a population of over 1.9 million from the current state law prohibiting breed-specific legislation. (Currently this includes the City of Houston only, but rapid growth in Dallas and San Antonio means these cities would be […] | April 7, 2005
Legislative Alerts Reminder! CA Ear Crop Hearing Pending
Attention California fanciers! Just a reminder that the Assembly Public Safety Committee will hold a hearing on SB418, a bill to ban ear cropping, on Tuesday April 5th at 9 a.m. in the State Capitol Building, Room 126. We need purebred dog owners to attend and respectfully show their opposition! For more background on AKC's […] | March 30, 2005
Legislative Alerts Reminder: Help Still Needed in California!
There's still time to help oppose AB418, a bill to ban ear cropping, but fanciers must work quickly! With only a few short weeks to go before the Assembly Appropriations hearing, dog owners need to contact their representatives immediately with their concerns. Please see our April alert below for more information. [ Wednesday, April 13, […] | May 2, 2005
Legislative Alerts MA Federation Holds First-Ever Lobby Day
On Wednesday, April 20th, the Massachusetts Federation of Dog Clubs and Responsible Dog Owners (Mass Fed) held its first-ever Lobby Day at the State House in Boston. The following is a summary of a report submitted by Charlotte McGowan, the federation’s Legislative Liaison. We extend our congratulations to all who participated in this very successful […] | April 25, 2005
Legislative Alerts Attention West Virginia Dog Owners
West Virginia dog owners should be aware of a fast-moving bill (SB277) that would prohibit the possession, breeding, and sale of exotic animals unless one obtains a special permit. The bill further establishes an Exotic Animal Regulation Board and grants it extensive powers, including the authority to regulate the permitting process, the operation of pet […] | April 5, 2005
Legislative Alerts CA Ear Crop Bill Passes Committee
AB418 passed out of the Assembly Committee on Public Safety late yesterday afternoon. The bill, which would ban ear cropping of dogs, now moves to the Assembly Appropriations Committee for fiscal analysis and then on to the full Assembly. Although several concerned fanciers attended yesterday's hearing, they were considerably outnumbered by supporters of AB418. Additionally, […] | April 6, 2005
Legislative Alerts Immediate Help Needed on New Mexico Dangerous Dog Bills
In the past few months, New Mexico dog owners have been very vocal about expressing their opposition to proposed breed-specific legislation (SB188). However, fanciers are now extremely concerned about two dangerous dog bills that are moving quickly through the legislature - HB400 and SB432. Your help is needed quickly to defeat them. While HB400 and […] | March 14, 2005
Legislative Alerts Breeder Licensing Bills Introduced in Tennessee
Hobby breeders could soon be considered "dealers" in Tennessee if H148 or its companion S1686 are enacted. Both bills would require anyone who breeds and sells more than one litter of puppies per year to be licensed as a "dealer." In Tennessee, dealers must be inspected by the state and pay anywhere from $125-$1000 annually […] | March 7, 2005

Showing 11,271-11,280 of 12,008 results