Showing 11,131-11,140 of 12,010 results

Legislative Alerts UPDATE: NY Assembly Pet Dealer Bill Not To Be Considered This Session!
AKC's Government Relations Department is pleased to report that New York Assembly Bill 11509 will not be considered by the Assembly Agriculture Committee for the remainder of the 2008 legislative session. This was confirmed today by the office of Assemblyman William Magee, chairman of the Assembly Agriculture Committee. The Government Relations Department would like to […] | June 17, 2008
Legislative Alerts Congress Overrides Veto; Farm Bill Becomes Law
Yesterday, Congress enacted the federal Farm Bill, including provisions prohibiting animal fighting ventures and limiting the importation of live dogs into the United States if the dogs are younger than six months old and imported for the purpose of resale.  President Bush's earlier veto of the bill was overridden when the House of Representatives voted […] | May 23, 2008
Legislative Alerts PA Bill to Allow Local BSL
Pennsylvania House Bill 2553 will remove the state's prohibition on breed specific local ordinances, thereby allowing municipalities to adopt any type of law applicable to dangerous dogs, including breed-specific ordinances.  It is imperative that concerned dog owners in Pennsylvania contact their legislators and express their strong opposition to this bill.  The American Kennel Club supports […] | May 22, 2008
Legislative Alerts OH Breeders Bill to be Heard by Committee Thursday, May 22
On Thursday, May 22, at 9:30 AM, the Ohio House State Government and Elections Committee will consider Ohio House Bill 223.  Sponsored by Representative Jim Hughes of Clintonville, the bill seeks to require licensure and inspection of an establishment that, in any given year, keeps, houses, and maintains nine or more adult dogs for the […] | May 20, 2008
Legislative Alerts MSN Tabled in Santa Barbara County
May 8 UPDATE: Tuesday, May 6 the Santa Barbara County Board of Supervisors decided to table the mandatory spay/neuter proposals and instead form a task force to examine the issue of shelter population.  Thank you every one who attended the meeting and a special thank you to those who spoke in opposition to the mandatory […] | May 8, 2008
Legislative Alerts Governor Sonny Perdue Signs AKC Supported Anti-Dog Fighting Legislation
On Tuesday, May 6, Georgia Governor Sonny Perdue signed into law tough new anti-dog fighting legislation that was supported by the American Kennel Club and the Georgia Canine Coalition.  Members of the Georgia Canine Coalition were present for the signing and were congratulated for their hard work on behalf of dogs and responsible dog owners.  […] | May 8, 2008
Legislative Alerts Update On The Federal Farm Bill
Both the United States House of Representatives and the Senate have approved the conference report of the federal Farm Bill. An overwhelming majority of the Senate, 81-15, voted in favor of the bill on Thursday, while the House passed the bill, 318-106, on Wednesday. Renewed about once every five years, the comprehensive Farm Bill governs […] | May 16, 2008
Legislative Alerts Chicago Considers Mandatory Spay/Neuter and Criminal Background Checks for Dog Breeders
Two Chicago Aldermen are sponsoring a new ordinance that would require all dogs to be spayed/neutered by the age of six months unless they qualify for an unneutered animal license. Chicago residents are asked to contact their representative on the Board of Aldermen to oppose this measure. To qualify for an unneutered animal license the […] | May 15, 2008
Legislative Alerts Dallas TX MSN UPDATE
It has been reported to the American Kennel Club that the Quality of Life Committee has directed the Director of Animal Control to examine the feasibility of enforcing the proposed ordinance. The Director of Animal Control is expected to present his findings at a meeting of the Quality of Life Committee in June. Thank you […] | April 30, 2008
Legislative Alerts Draconian Ohio Breed-Specific Bill Introduced
Ohio House Bill 568, introduced by Representative Tyrone Yates of Cincinnati, seeks to prohibit the ownership, keeping, or harboring of a dog that "belongs to a breed that is commonly known as a pit bull dog."  Furthermore, if this bill is passed and adopted into law, all such dogs will be seized and euthanized.  It […] | May 20, 2008

Showing 11,131-11,140 of 12,010 results