Showing 11,111-11,120 of 12,011 results

Legislative Alerts Update: MA HB 5092 Will Not Move Forward!
[Thursday, October 23, 2008] Today the Massachusetts Legislature’s Joint Committee on Municipalities and Regional Government decided to send House Bill 5092 to “study,” which effectively ends the consideration of this onerous bill for the remainder of the current legislative session.  (For more information on HB 5092, click here.) In addition to the over 200 concerned […] | October 24, 2008
Legislative Alerts Puppy Uniform Protection Statute (PUPS) Legislation Introduced in US Congress
The Puppy Uniform Protection Statute (PUPS) has been concurrently introduced in the US House of Representatives last week as H.R. 6949 and in the Senate as S.3519. The legislation will require that any breeder who sells more than 50 dogs per year direct to the public through internet sales or other outlets be inspected and […] | September 25, 2008
Legislative Alerts Massachusetts HB 5092 Bad News For All Dog Owners
In a stunning procedural move, Massachusetts House Bill 1948, which was a reasonable and non-discriminatory dangerous dog bill supported by both the AKC and the Massachusetts Federation of Dog Clubs, has been replaced by House Bill 5092, a conglomeration of many anti-dog, anti-responsible breeder, and anti-responsible owner proposals. The American Kennel Club is not only […] | September 11, 2008
Legislative Alerts Michigan Breeder Bill Introduced
Yesterday, Representative Bill Caul of Mt. Pleasant introduced Michigan House Bill 6395, which proposes to strictly regulate virtually all responsible dog breeders.  It is imperative that all concerned responsible dog breeders in Michigan contact the members of the House Agriculture Committee, which currently has cognizance of the bill, and their elected Representatives and express their […] | September 4, 2008
Legislative Alerts Amended Pennsylvania HB 2525 Passes Legislature
Pennsylvania House Bill 2525, which seeks to significantly update the Commonwealth’s dog law, passed the state Senate yesterday after several amendments were made to the bill. Upon its passage, HB 2525 was returned to the state House of Representatives for its concurrence in the Senate’s amendments. The House did concur, and now the bill will […] | October 9, 2008
Legislative Alerts Update: MA MSN/BSL Bill Scheduled for Hearing!
Massachusetts House Bill 5092 has been referred to the Joint Committee on Municipalities and Regional Government, and is tentatively scheduled for public hearing on Thursday, October 23rd, at 10 AM in Room A2 of the State House in Boston.  The bill includes many extreme provisions that, if enacted, will prove devastating to responsible dog breeders […] | October 9, 2008
Legislative Alerts UPDATE: Michigan Breeder Bill Will Not Move Forward
The American Kennel Club Government Relations Department has learned that Representative Bill Caul has publicly stated that he will not move House Bill 6395 forward. As written, HB 6395 attempted to strictly regulate virtually all responsible dog breeders in Michigan. (For more information on HB 6395, click here.) The AKC congratulates all concerned Michigan fanciers […] | September 10, 2008
Legislative Alerts AB 1634 Frequently Asked Questions
The American Kennel Club would like to answer some specific concerns that people have raised with regard to the new version of California Assembly Bill 1634. We would also like to encourage people to read the bill closely as it has been changed dramatically in the last few weeks. Please click here to read the […] | August 15, 2008
Legislative Alerts AKC URGENT ALERT: CA AB 1634 to Change – AKC Vigorously Opposes!
Late yesterday we received a proposed 12th amendment to the wording of CA AB 1634 which Lloyd Levine's staff presented to our lobbyist. Also, we understand that Mr. Levine attempted to amend his bill in the Senate, in spite of the fact that he had assured the AKC through our lobbyist that the bill was […] | August 21, 2008
Legislative Alerts CA AB 1634 Amended Again
California Assembly Bill 1634, now known as the "California Responsible Pet Ownership Act," has been radically amended. The bill is now a responsible dog ownership act and addresses two major issues resulting from irresponsible dog ownership - dogs that are found roaming and dogs that are not licensed.  Existing California state law already requires all […] | August 14, 2008

Showing 11,111-11,120 of 12,011 results