Showing 11,051-11,060 of 12,011 results

Legislative Alerts Fort Worth To Require Intact Animal Permit
The City of Fort Worth is considering a variety of changes to their animal control ordinance and will hold a public hearing on the changes at their August 11th meeting. Concerned dog owners are encouraged to attend and to contact their city council member regarding their concerns. Please forward this on to other members of […] | August 10, 2009
Legislative Alerts Massachusetts Alert: 15 Bills to be Heard on Tuesday, July 14th!
The Massachusetts legislature’s Joint Committee on Municipalities and Regional Government has scheduled consideration of 14 dog-related bills at its meeting on Tuesday, July 14th.  Another bill of importance, HB 344 (see info, below) will be heard concurrently by the Joint Judiciary Committee.  The American Kennel Club (AKC) and its Massachusetts federation, the Massachusetts Federation of […] | July 9, 2009
Legislative Alerts Bad North Carolina Bill Likely To Return Next Week: Opposition Needed To Stop This Bill Now
Senate Bill 460, a bill that seeks to unnecessarily regulate the operations of dog breeders in North Carolina remains under consideration in the state Senate. The AKC believes the bill is likely to be scheduled for consideration by the full Senate as early as next Tuesday. With your help and participation over the next several […] | July 23, 2009
Legislative Alerts CA SB 250 Heads to Assembly Appropriations Suspense File
Senate Bill 250 has been sent to the Assembly Appropriations Suspense File because staff expects the bill to cost the state more than $150,000 a year to enforce. The committee will schedule a Suspense File hearing prior to the August 28th fiscal deadline. Once the date of that hearing is known, we will post an […] | July 15, 2009
Legislative Alerts California Assembly Bill 241 Proceeds to Senate Appropriations Committee
Assembly Bill 241 passed out of the Senate Public Safety Committee today on a vote of 4-0. Although the bill failed 3-3 in committee on Tuesday, another vote was held today to allow Senator Steinberg, who was absent Tuesday, to cast his vote. Assemblyman Pedro Nava, AB 241’s author, verbally agreed to amend the bill, […] | July 16, 2009
Legislative Alerts North Carolina Responsible Dog Owners Making an Impact- Continued Action Needed
The numerous calls and letters North Carolina Senators have received from responsible dog breeders and fanciers is making a difference! Today the North Carolina Senate delayed voting on Senate Bill 460, as many Senators have expressed concerns and questions with the bill.  The bill has been re-referred to the Senate Rules Committee, where further amendments […] | July 8, 2009
Legislative Alerts Illinois General Assembly Establishes Breeder Task Force
Based on the concerns about Illinois House Bill 198, and its companion Senate Bill 53 (bills that sought to regulate dog breeding in Illinois), the House and Senate sponsors of those bills introduced a new Senate Joint Resolution (SJR 56) to create a 15-member Joint Task Force on Breeders and Pet Stores to investigate and […] | June 5, 2009
Legislative Alerts NC ALERT: Strict Breeder Bill To Be Heard On Tuesday, June 30!
Senate Bill 460, a bill which regulates breeders and infringes on the rights of responsible dog owners, will be heard in the Senate Finance Committee on Tuesday, June 30.  All responsible dog breeders and owners in North Carolina are encouraged to attend the hearing on Tuesday in opposition to the bill.  We need to show […] | June 26, 2009
Legislative Alerts CA SB 250 Passes Senate – Fight Moves to the Assembly
California Senate Bill 250 passed yesterday by the bare minimum of 21 votes needed. Senators Negrete McLeod, Oropeza, Pavley, Wolk, Wright and Yee changed their votes from abstentions on Monday to support the bill on Tuesday. Senators Ducheny and Simitian abstained and Senator Correa joined the Republicans in voting "No." The author agreed to amendments, […] | June 3, 2009
Legislative Alerts CA SB 250 to be Heard in Business and Professions Committee
Senate Bill 250 has been referred to the Assembly Business and Professions Committee and will be heard next Tuesday, June 30th. It is vital that concerned fanciers, dog owners, breeders, and clubs immediately notify the committee members of their ongoing opposition to the measure. We are still awaiting the amendments that Senator Florez promised as […] | June 23, 2009

Showing 11,051-11,060 of 12,011 results