Showing 101-110 of 6,796 results

German Shepherd Dog with policeman
Clubs & Delegates AKC Illinois Federation Works with State Senate to Support Retired Police Dogs
A bill is moving through the Illinois Senate that will allow retired police dogs to be adopted by the officer or employee who had custody of the dog during its service. “As a dog owner myself, I recognize there is a special connection formed between an officer and their dog,” bill sponsor Senator Tom Cullerton […] | March 21, 2016
Bailey the mascot signs the Responsible Dog Ownership pet promise
Clubs & Delegates Lawmakers Celebrate Responsible Dog Ownership, Purebred Dogs at Meet the Breeds
More than one hundred legislators from New York, New Jersey, and Connecticut publicly shared their commitment to responsible dog ownership this month by serving as honorary chairs for the Meet the Breeds™ event hosted by the American Kennel Club and Westminster Kennel Club. Many of the Honorary Chairs, their staff, and families attended this year’s […] | February 24, 2016
German Shepherd Dog in front of American Flag
Clubs & Delegates More Than 100 Lawmakers Participate As Meet The Breeds Honorary Chairs
AKC is pleased to announce that more than one hundred legislators from New York, New Jersey and Connecticut are sharing their commitment to responsible dog ownership this month by serving as honorary chairs for the Meet the Breeds™ event hosted by the American Kennel Club and Westminster Kennel Club. The Meet the Breeds event celebrates […] | February 9, 2016
Saint Bernard Painting
Clubs & Delegates Preserving The Purebred Dog, A Living Treasure
Last Friday, I was pleased to participate in honoring Dr. Arnold Goldman, DVM MPH, and the Connecticut Federation of Dog Clubs, as the most recent winner of the Bebout Award for Legislative Leadership, at AKC Headquarters in New York City. Learn More Thankfully, our guests made it home safely before the blizzard hit New York. […] | January 25, 2016
Retriever Golden Service Dog
Clubs & Delegates New Year, New Dog Laws – Make Sure You are in Compliance
2016 was another busy year for AKC Government Relations, its state federations, and responsible dog owners and breeders advocating for dogs.  Over 2,200 bills impacting animals were monitored by AKC GR. Several new laws impacting dog owners and breeders were enacted over the past year.  It is imperative for responsible owners to ensure they are […] | January 12, 2017
Beagle at Computer
Clubs & Delegates 2015 Legislative Year in Review
In 2015, AKC Government Relations (GR) tracked more than more than 1,700 federal, state and local bills as well as a variety of regulations at the state and federal levels. The GR team is also tracking a number of pre-filed bills for upcoming 2016 legislative sessions. Some of the major issues and emerging trends in […] | January 8, 2016
Clubs & Delegates 2015 Legislative Issues and Trends: Bond For Care Bills Unfairly Target the Disadvantaged
AKC Government Relations has tracked more than a dozen bills introduced in 2015 that would require owners accused (but not convicted) of cruelty to pre-pay for the care of the animals for the period of a trial. In many cases, if an individual is late with a payment or misses a payment, they permanently forfeit […] | January 8, 2016
Smooth Fox Terrier in a field
Clubs & Delegates 2015 Legislative Issues and Trends: Tethering Bills Can Create Unintended Consequences
AKC Government Relations tracked more than 25 state and local measures in 2015 that addressed the issue of tethering. This is a significant increase over the recent past. While AKC does not have a specific policy position statement on this issue, AKC Government Relations has weighed in on several measures that would have impacted dog […] | January 7, 2016
Handshake Paw Closeup
Clubs & Delegates AKC Celebrates New Laws that Help Dogs, Dog Owners
In 2015, numerous new laws passed around the country that were supported by the AKC and will benefit dogs and dog owners.  Here are some highlights: California Assembly Bill 794 enhances penalties for attacking or intentionally injuring a law enforcement dog or horse. Delaware Senate Bill 22 protects the health of dogs by allowing law […] | December 29, 2015
New York City skyline
Clubs & Delegates NY Passes Law to Protect Domestic Violence Victims and Pets
A new law was signed this week in New York that allows domestic violence victims to bring their service or therapy dogs with them to an emergency shelter.  The AKC was proud to support this important legislation. Victims of domestic violence are in a vulnerable and frightening situation, and the practical assistance and comfort that a […] | December 30, 2015

Showing 101-110 of 6,796 results