Showing 10,951-10,960 of 12,011 results

Legislative Alerts AKC Board of Directors Convenes to Address Pet Animal Welfare Statute of 2005
-- Click here for more information about PAWS --   -- Board Reaffirms Support of Proposed Legislation --   Chicago, IL - At a meeting of the American Kennel Club (AKC®) Board of Directors today, the Board reaffirmed their position to support the principles in the Pet Animal Welfare Statute (PAWS) of 2005, a bill […] | June 12, 2005
Legislative Alerts Update: Illinois Legislation
Fanciers have worked hard and have made significant progress in the Illinois State Legislature, which is considering several dangerous dog and breed-specific bills. Fanciers are also working to oppose breed-specific legislation (BSL) in Chicago. Below is an update on current "hot" initiatives facing Illinois residents. In the General Assembly: As Illinois dog owners may recall, […] | February 24, 2006
Legislative Alerts Detroit City Council Rejects BSL!
The AKC and the Michigan Association for Purebred Dogs are pleased to report that the Detroit City Council has unanimously rejected a proposed breed ban. Local fanciers and responsible dog owners successfully convinced the council members that breed-specific legislation would be unenforceable, penalize responsible dog owners and would not improve public safety. The proposal would […] | January 31, 2006
Legislative Alerts Fourth-Annual AKC Lobby Day Held in Washington, D.C.
Congress welcomed purebred dog owners from across the country last week as part of the American Kennel Club’s fourth-annual Lobby Day. Hosted by the Canine Legislation Department, Lobby Day gives attendees a chance to learn more about issues that impact fanciers on the federal level. More importantly, participants are given an opportunity to carry the […] | October 4, 2006
Legislative Alerts Rhode Island Update: Mandatory Spay/Neuter Bill Tabled, May Return
Yesterday, the Rhode Island House Health, Education, and Welfare Committee held House Bill 8205 for further study. This means that the bill was not approved by the committee, but that it may further consider the bill at a later date during the remainder of the 2014 legislative session. The AKC commends the many Rhode Island […] | May 22, 2014
Legislative Alerts MI UPDATE: Breeder Regulations Bill Ready for House Vote
The Michigan House of Representatives has placed House Bill 5095 on the third reading calendar, meaning it could be voted on at any time.  This bill includes provisions that would limit the number of dogs that can be kept on a single premises and define a “large scale commercial breeder kennel” based on the number […] | September 23, 2014
Legislative Alerts NC Urgent Update: Contact NC House Today in Opposition to Dog Ownership Restrictions
The North Carolina House of Representatives is currently considering the state budget.  Thanks to your efforts, the budget does not currently include the significant expansion of dog owner regulations. However, AKC understands that amendments will likely be offered in a House Appropriations Committee meeting tomorrow, June 11, to add language in the budget to define […] | June 10, 2014
Legislative Alerts NY Senate Committees to Consider Two Bills to Protect Dogs
New York Senate Committees will consider two bills next week that would benefit New York dogs and responsible dog owners. Senate Bill 1495 would criminalize stealing a pet from someone’s property, and Senate Bill 6418 amends current law to further protect dogs left in vehicles under extreme temperatures. New York residents are encouraged to contact […] | May 2, 2014
Legislative Alerts Iowa Changes Breeder Bill Number, Advances Bill to Senate Floor
April 25, 2014 Through another procedural move, the bill number for the onerous breeder regulations bill has once again changed. The bill was also amended and passed out of the Senate Ways and Means Committee and is now pending in the Senate. The amendments made to this bill are not in the best interest of […] | April 25, 2014
Legislative Alerts Maryland Update: Debarking Ban, Crop/Dock Bills to be Considered on March 27!
The Maryland House Judiciary Committee has scheduled a public hearing for Thursday, March 27 to discuss a bill (SB 660) that would ban debarking. A second measure (SB 659) would require ear cropping, tail docking and dewclaw removal to be performed by a licensed veterinarian. These bills have already passed the Senate, and the House […] | March 21, 2014

Showing 10,951-10,960 of 12,011 results