Showing 10,881-10,890 of 12,013 results

Legislative Alerts Urgent Missouri Alert: Voice Support of HJR 86 Before Friday, May 14!
The Missouri Legislature adjourns this Friday, May 14, and your calls and e-mails are making a difference!  Now more than ever, it is important that your senator knows that you support House Joint Resolution 86.  The AKC and Missouri Federation of Animal Owners request that you call your senator one more time and ask them […] | May 11, 2010
Legislative Alerts Hollister, CA to Consider Mandatory Spay/Neuter of Chihuahuas and Pit Bulls
The Hollister City Council has given the city attorney permission to draft an ordinance to mandate the sterilization of all Chihuahuas and "pit bulls" in city limits. This is in response to a recent report by the Hollister Animal Control stating that there has been a significant increase in shelter intake, euthanasia, and dog attacks […] | May 13, 2010
Legislative Alerts Ohio Update: Senate Committee Will Consider Amendments to SB 95 on May 11
The Ohio Senate State & Local Government & Veterans Affairs Committee will likely consider amendments to Senate Bill 95 during its meeting on May 11, 2010.  While no draft is currently available, the AKC understands that these amendments will further clarify changes that were previously adopted by the committee.  No public testimony will be allowed […] | May 10, 2010
Legislative Alerts Wisconsin Senate Committee to Consider Changing Animal Seizure Laws on 4/6
The Wisconsin Senate Committee on Ethics Reform and Government Operations will hold a public hearing on Senate Bill 580 on Tuesday, April 6, 2010.  SB 580 seeks to amend state statutes regarding the seizure and subsequent care of animals whose owners are suspected of mistreatment or dog fighting and are engaged in a legal proceeding.  […] | April 5, 2010
Legislative Alerts Oklahoma Update: Legislative Deadline Approaching
This Thursday, April 22, marks the important "3rd reading" deadline for Oklahoma legislation.  All bills that already passed their house of origin and were transferred to the other legislative chamber must be read for the third time and debated in that chamber by the end of the day Thursday.  This is a key deadline for […] | April 20, 2010
Legislative Alerts Jefferson Parish, LA, to Consider Breeder Licensing, Differential Fees, Spay/Neuter Law
The Jefferson Parish (LA) Council will consider several changes to the Parish’s animal ordinance on Wednesday, March 24.  In addition to other provisions imposes breeder permits and requires dogs to be spayed or neutered upon a second redemption from the Parish’s animal shelter during the lifetime of the animal.  The American Kennel Club opposes several […] | March 22, 2010
Legislative Alerts Urgent: Oklahoma House Passes SB 1712 Passed. Voice Your Concerns Now!
The Oklahoma House passed SB 1712 yesterday. The bill will significantly expand government regulation of anyone who breeds dogs or cats and who owns more than 11 intact females of either species. The bill’s vague definition of commercial breeder includes no time frame, which means it will require commercial breeder licensing for anyone who owns […] | April 22, 2010
Legislative Alerts Iowa Legislative Recap
Recently, both houses of the Iowa General Assembly passed versions of House File 2280, which seeks to provide for regulation of commercial establishments that handle dogs and cats.  The now–enrolled version of this bill provides the following: Major Provisions: With only one small change regarding racing Greyhounds, the bill continues to use the definition of […] | March 1, 2010
Legislative Alerts Arizona Update: House Bill 2375
The American Kennel Club is closely monitoring Arizona House Bill 2375, which seeks to ban the ownership, sale, harboring, or transportation of "dangerous wildlife". As introduced, HB 2375 would have defined all carnivores as "dangerous wildlife" with no exceptions, thereby banning Arizonans from owning and selling dogs in the state.  The bill, which passed the […] | February 23, 2010
Legislative Alerts Update: Illinois HB 5771 Will Not Be Heard Tomorrow, Feb. 23
The American Kennel Club Government Relations Department has just learned that Illinois House Bill 5771, which seeks to impose both government oversight over most responsible dog breeders and litter limits, has been removed from tomorrow’s agenda of the Illinois House Agriculture and Conservation Committee. The Government Relations Department will report new developments regarding HB 5771 […] | February 22, 2010

Showing 10,881-10,890 of 12,013 results