Showing 10,791-10,800 of 12,013 results

Legislative Alerts Ask NY Legislature to Allow Service/Therapy Dogs to Accompany Domestic Violence Victims
June 1, 2015 The New York Assembly Social Services Committee is considering a bill on Wednesday, June 3, that would allow victims of domestic violence to bring their service or therapy dogs with them if they need to go to an emergency shelter. The AKC supports Assembly Bill 6626, which recognizes the important role these […] | June 1, 2015
Legislative Alerts Taos County to Consider Breeder Permits, Limit Law and More! Work Session TOMORROW!
AKC Government Relations has just learned that on Tuesday, June 2nd the Taos County, NM Board of County Commissioners will consider proposed changes to county animal control ordinances that include: Mandatory spay/neuter provisions Burdensome licensing fees Leash requirements that could deem your dog to be “at-large” even when on your own property, and Limit laws […] | June 1, 2015
Legislative Alerts Ask NY Committee to Support Allowing Dogs in Outdoor Dining Areas
June 1, 2015 The New York Assembly Health Committee is scheduled to consider a bill on Tuesday, June 2, that would allow dogs in outdoor eating establishments, as long as certain conditions are met.  The AKC supports this bill, which would allow responsible dog owners more opportunity to enjoy outdoor activities and socialization with their […] | June 1, 2015
Legislative Alerts Ask IL House TODAY to Support Bill Helping Lost Pets
May 27, 2015 Thanks to your calls and e-mails, and the work of the Illinois Federation of Dog Clubs and Owners (IFDCO), House Bill 4029, as amended, has passed the Senate unanimously. Now, the bill goes back to the House for final approval before going to the governor.  Illinois residents are asked to call your […] | May 27, 2015
Legislative Alerts Ask NY to Support Allowing Service/Therapy Dogs to Accompany Domestic Violence Victims at Shelters
Ask NY Committee to Support Allowing Service/Therapy Dogs to Accompany Domestic Violence Victims at Shelters May 26, 2015 The New York Senate Social Services Committee is considering a bill on Thursday, May 28, that would allow victims of domestic violence to bring their service or therapy dogs with them if they need to go to […] | May 27, 2015
Legislative Alerts New NY Senate Bill Would Allow Pets on Commuter Transportation During States of Emergency
May 22, 2015 The New York Senate Transportation Committee is considering a bill on Thursday, May 28 that would allow companion animals on commuter transportation when a state of emergency has been declared and an area is being evacuated. This bill, sponsored by Sen. Andrew Lanza of Staten Island, is very similar to Senate Bill […] | May 22, 2015
Legislative Alerts NY Committee Considering Positive Bill to Help Lost Dogs
May 29, 2015 The New York Senate Agriculture Committee is considering a bill that would amend the current laws to help identify the owners of lost dogs.  Under Senate Bill 1812, which is supported by the AKC, a lost dog must be checked for all forms of identification, including tags, microchips, tattoos or licenses within […] | May 29, 2015
Legislative Alerts Louisiana: Vague Breeder Oversight Bill Will be Heard in Committee Tomorrow, 5/28–Take Action Now!
Wednesday, May 27, 2015 Louisiana House Bill 710 is scheduled to be heard by the House Agriculture, Forestry, Aquaculture, and Rural Development Committee on Thursday, May 28.  The bill seeks to require certain dog breeders to register annually with their parish and to submit to annual inspections of their facilities by local officials.  The AKC […] | May 27, 2015
Legislative Alerts AKC Supports NY Legislation Protecting Dogs Kept in Outdoor Shelters
May 18, 2015 The NY Assembly Agriculture Committee is considering a bill tomorrow (Tuesday, May 19) that would clarify current law regarding minimum standards for dogs kept in outdoor shelters.  Current law already provides minimum requirements for dogs kept outdoors in inclement weather and extreme temperatures.  Assembly Bill 7033 contains reasonable clarifications to these requirements […] | May 18, 2015
Legislative Alerts Ask Illinois Senate to Support Bill to Help Lost Pets
May 22, 2015 A bill is advancing in the Illinois Senate that would create new requirements for shelters that will help streamline the process to get lost animals home more quickly.  House Bill 4029 could be considered by the Senate as early as Tuesday, May 26,  Illinois residents are strongly encouraged to contact their State […] | May 22, 2015

Showing 10,791-10,800 of 12,013 results