Showing 10,751-10,760 of 12,013 results

Legislative Alerts Ask Maryland Committee to Support Bill Protecting Service Dogs and Owners
A Maryland Senate Committee is scheduled to consider a bill on February 11 that will provide further protections for owners of service animals.  Senate Bill 264 creates two new provisions that would protect service dogs and their owners.  It amends the crime of aggravated cruelty to state that a person may not intentionally inflict bodily […] | January 28, 2016
Legislative Alerts Massachusetts Legislative Committee to Consider Dog Bills on Thursday, January 21
The Joint Municipalities and Regional Government Committee of the Massachusetts General Court is scheduled to consider 14 legislative proposals at its next meeting on Thursday, January 21, 2016.  Included in the agenda are bills pertaining to dogs.  All concerned Massachusetts dog owners are encouraged to contact the members of the Joint Municipalities and Regional Government […] | January 15, 2016
Legislative Alerts MD Update: Sponsor Agrees to Amend Dogs in Vehicles Legislation
The American Kennel Club has learned that the sponsor of Senate Bill 36, which sought to expand regulations regarding who may remove animals from vehicles, has heard the concerns voiced by many and has graciously agreed to amend the legislation.  The AKC thanks Sen. Simonaire for his willingness to carefully listen to the concerns of […] | January 13, 2016
Legislative Alerts Virginia: Senate Bill Allowing Anyone to Take Animals from Cars To Be Considered This Week
The AKC understands that the Virginia Senate Courts of Justice Committee is expected to consider a bill this week that would include consideration of two bills that allow private citizens to remove a companion animal from a vehicle if they believe that the animal is at risk of serious bodily injury or death.  This bill […] | January 19, 2016
Legislative Alerts Wisconsin: Bill Making Reclaiming of Pets More Difficult To Be Considered Jan. 13
A Wisconsin Assembly Committee is scheduled to consider a bill on Wednesday, January 13, that would make several changes to current law regarding animals taken by shelters and local humane societies.  Those who reside or participate in dog events in Wisconsin are strongly encouraged to contact the Assembly Committee on Criminal Justice and Public Safety […] | January 11, 2016
Legislative Alerts Neptune Beach, FL to Define Hobby Breeders and Restrict Pet Sales
The Neptune Beach City Council will discuss but not vote on a proposed ordinance which will define hobby breeders and will prohibit those who own a certain number of pets from selling ANY animals. The AKC urges responsible dog owners and breeders to attend the meeting and oppose this burdensome and ineffective ordinance before a […] | November 12, 2015
Legislative Alerts Pennsylvania Passes New Laws on Field Trials, Dog Training Areas
A new law has been passed in Pennsylvania that makes several changes regarding dog training areas, including providing protections for dogs actively training or participating in field trials.   The law will go into effect in late January 2016.  Highlights of the new law include: Making it unlawful for anyone to “willfully, negligently or maliciously” kill, […] | December 1, 2015
Legislative Alerts New Jersey Info: Assembly Committees to Consider Service Dog, Pet Sales Monday, November 16
Wednesday, November 11, 2015 On Monday, November 16, 2015, two committees of the New Jersey Assembly will consider bills pertaining to dogs and sales regulations.  The bills include: AB 2524 / SB 1877 – These companion bills provide that any person with disabilities accompanied by a guide or service dog, or any guide or service […] | November 11, 2015
Legislative Alerts Ask MA Committee to Support Ban on Insurance Breed Discrimination
The Massachusetts Joint Committee on Financial Services is scheduled to consider a bill on November 10 that would protect responsible dog owners by prohibiting insurance companies that offer homeowners insurance from refusing, cancelling, or imposing an increased premium on clients due to the specific breed of dog(s) kept on the property.  Summary: Senate Bill 501, […] | November 6, 2015
Legislative Alerts Clark County, NV: Your Help Needed to Oppose Animal Control Changes That Harm Pets
The Clark County, NV County Commission will consider changes to their animal control code on Tuesday, November 17th which will negatively impact breeders, fanciers and dog owners. It is imperative that responsible owners and breeders contact their county commissioners and attend this meeting to oppose these changes. Clark County, NV is revising their existing breeder […] | November 11, 2015

Showing 10,751-10,760 of 12,013 results