Showing 10,741-10,750 of 12,013 results

Legislative Alerts Iowa Alert: Harmful Breeder Bill Being Considered TOMORROW (2/18)
The Senate Commerce Committee has just scheduled a hearing on SF 502 for TOMORROW (February 18).  This bill would further regulate anyone who has four or more intact dogs and receive any kind of consideration for breeding or transferring even one dog.  Friday is the last day for bills to be passed out of committee, […] | February 17, 2016
Legislative Alerts SOUTH DAKOTA: Bill Seeks to Impose Additional Requirements on Certain Breeders
South Dakota Senate Bill 157 seeks to provide additional regulations for commercial breeding operations.  The bill will be considered by the Senate Judiciary Committee on Thursday, February 18, 2016.  Concerned breeders are encouraged to contact the members of the Senate Judiciary Committee and respectfully express their concerns. South Dakota law already defines a commercial breeding […] | February 17, 2016
Legislative Alerts Tennessee Update: Dog Breeder Bill with Warrantless Searches Rescheduled for Vote on Tuesday, 2/16
House Bill 2303, which would require regulation, inspection, and potentially high registration fees for dog breeders, has been rescheduled for a vote in the House Agriculture and Natural Resources Committee on Tuesday, February 16. Its companion bill, Senate Bill 2175, has been rescheduled for a vote on Monday, February 22, in the Senate Energy, Agriculture, […] | February 12, 2016
Legislative Alerts WI Bill Making Reclaiming of Lost Pets More Difficult Passes Legislature–Contact the Governor!
A Wisconsin bill that will make it more difficult for owners to reclaim lost pets was rushed through the legislature this week. Those who reside or participate in dog events in Wisconsin are strongly encouraged to contact Governor Walker TODAY and respectfully ask him to veto SB450. Among other provisions, SB450 would shorten the time […] | February 22, 2016
Legislative Alerts Missouri Committee to Consider Prohibiting Breed-Specific Laws on Monday (2/8)
The Missouri House Emerging Issues Committee will consider a bill on Monday, February 8, that seeks to protect the rights of responsible dog owners in Missouri by prohibiting municipalities from enacting breed-specific policies.  It would also void any current local breed-specific policies or regulations in the state.   Municipalities would still be permitted to protect public […] | February 5, 2016
Legislative Alerts New York: Ask Committee to Support Legislation Protecting Dogs Kept in Outdoor Shelters
The New York Assembly Agriculture Committee is considering a bill on Tuesday, February 9, that would clarify current law regarding minimum standards for dogs kept in outdoor shelters.  Current law already provides minimum requirements for dogs kept outdoors in inclement weather and extreme temperatures.  Assembly Bill 7033 contains reasonable clarifications to these requirements that would […] | February 5, 2016
Legislative Alerts Augusta-Richmond Co., GA: Council Votes Tomorrow on Mandatory Spay/Neuter of All Impounded Pets
The Augusta-Richmond County Commission is scheduled to vote tomorrow on a proposed ordinance that would require spay/neuter for all impounded dogs and cats, regardless of the circumstances, and would enact additional problematic amendments to the city/ county animal ordinance. Concerned animal owners are urged to immediately contact commission members and respectfully ask them to VOTE […] | February 1, 2016
Legislative Alerts Wisconsin Senate to Consider Bill TOMORROW (2/4) to Make it Harder to Reclaim Pets
A Wisconsin Senate committee is scheduled to consider a bill TOMORROW (Thursday, February 4) that is identical to the Assembly bill making it more difficult to reclaim lost dogs, or dogs seized on suspicion of a violation of a state animal law.  Changes of concern in the bill include: Shortening the time in which an […] | February 3, 2016
Legislative Alerts Wisconsin Bill Making Reclaiming of Pets More Difficult Continues to Advance, Contact the Assembly
A Wisconsin bill that will make it more difficult for owners to reclaim their pets continues to advance. Those who reside or participate in dog events in Wisconsin are strongly encouraged to contact the Assembly and express your concerns with AB 487 as currently written. Visit AKC’s Legislative Action Center and type your address in […] | January 27, 2016
Legislative Alerts Sarasota County, FL to Define and Regulate Hobby Breeders, Restrict Pet Ownership
The Sarasota County Commission will consider a proposed ordinance which will define hobby breeders and possibly limit the amount of animals they may own and/or the number of litter they may have in a year. The measure also attempts to restrict the sales of pets from legal, licensed and regulated pet sellers. All breeders and […] | January 25, 2016

Showing 10,741-10,750 of 12,013 results