Showing 1,041-1,050 of 1,684 results

French Bulldog and Pug laying together on a chair indoors
Expert Advice: Preparing for Puppy When Should You Get a Second Dog?
If you’re considering getting a second dog, there are questions you should answer and steps you should take to prepare for the responsibility that comes with training the new dog and helping your current dog adjust. Questions to Ask Yourself Before you jump into this new commitment, ask yourself these questions: Is your current dog […] | April 19, 2021
newborn puppies - english bulldog puppies in a pile - one week old
Expert Advice: Breeding & Whelping Raising Newborn Puppies
Once the anticipation and waiting are over, and your pregnant dog has successfully delivered her new litter of puppies into the world, it is time to roll up your sleeves and dig into the business of caring for your newborn puppies. This care starts even before the puppies are born, but the moment they are, […] | April 18, 2021
Expert Advice: Lifestyle Are You Financially Prepared for a Puppy?
Dog owners reap many benefits from their canine companions – love and affection, nonjudgmental friendship, social connections, exercise incentives, stress relievers, guardians – and the list goes on. But, dog ownership also comes with significant financial costs. When buying a house, car, or living room furniture, most people carefully consider and plan for the costs. […] | April 16, 2021
Legislative Alerts Illinois: Multiple Bills with Significant Impact on Dog Owners Continue to Advance, Contact Lawmakers Today
The Illinois Legislature returned from Spring Break and immediately continued work on bills impacting dog owners and breeders in the state.  AKC and the Illinois Federation of Dog Clubs are working hard to advocate for responsible purebred dog owners. We urge dog owners, Illinois dog clubs and breeders to join us in working to protect […] | April 16, 2021
Clubs & Delegates Local Issues April 2021
Here are some examples of the local issues currently being addressed by AKC GR:  CT, Stamford– The Board of Representatives is interested in adopting a tethering ordinance similar to the 2020 language adopted in the state of Virginia. The proposal would define “adequate shelter” and “adequate space.” Tethering a dog would be prohibited in weather below […] | April 16, 2021
Legislative Alerts TX HB 1818 Alert: Call, Email, Facebook Message, or Tweet to Take Action Against Harmful Bill Today!
As previously reported, Texas House Bill 1818, which seeks to limit most Texas pet stores from selling purpose-bred dogs, has been assigned to the House Calendars Committee. It is crucial that committee members hear from you about the harm HB 1818 would do to responsible dog ownership if it is enacted as currently worded. SAMPLE […] | April 6, 2021
Expert Advice: Breeding & Whelping Best Practices for Whelping & Caring for Newborn Puppies
Breeding dogs and producing puppies is a rewarding experience. Every litter is unique in some ways, and it takes many years to gain the experience to recognize signs of potential problems and know what steps can be taken to intervene and potentially save the lives of puppies. Breeders should be present when a dam delivers […] | April 1, 2021
Legislative Alerts Arkansas—Bill to Allow Emergency Transport of an Injured Police Dog Advances
House Bill 1152, among other provisions, seeks to allow the emergency transport of an injured police dog if there is no person requiring immediate medical attention or transport at the time, limit liability of the transporter, and allow a court to require the person who caused the injury to be responsible for costs of emergency […] | March 30, 2021
Legislative Alerts New York: Ask Your Assembly Member to Support Ban on Insurance Breed Discrimination
The New York Assembly is expected to soon vote on a bill that would prohibit homeowner’s insurance providers from refusing or cancelling coverage or increasing premiums based solely on the breed of dog owned by the policy holder. All responsible dog owners and breeders in New York are encouraged to contact their Assembly Member to […] | March 26, 2021
Legislative Alerts Texas Update: Bill Limiting Consumer Pet Choice Left Pending in Committee
Yesterday, after hours of testimony was presented, the Texas House Business and Industry Committee took no action on House Bill 1818.  HB 1818 would limit pet stores located in counties of more than 200,000 residents to sourcing dogs from only: (1) an animal control agency, (2) an animal shelter, (3) an animal rescue organization, or (4) […] | March 24, 2021

Showing 1,041-1,050 of 1,684 results