Showing 1,031-1,040 of 1,684 results

Legislative Alerts TX Action Alert Update: HB 1818 Scheduled for Committee Hearing 8AM Tomorrow, May 18—Last Chance to Express Opposition
Texas House Bill 1818, which seeks to limit most Texas pet stores from selling purpose-bred dogs, is scheduled to be considered by the Senate Business and Commerce Committee, tomorrow, Tuesday, May 18, at 8AM.  The American Kennel Club (AKC) and a broad coalition of interest groups strongly oppose HB 1818. With legislative deadlines and the […] | May 17, 2021
Clubs & Delegates What’s New in GR May 2021
May kicked off with the celebration of National Purebred Dog Day (NPDD) on May 1. NPDD honors the pride, predictability and purpose of purebred dogs and the preservation of these breeds. NPDD was the brainchild of Colorado resident and Puli fancier Suzi Szeremy to celebrate the amazing diversity and heritage of the breeds we love. The American Kennel Club Government […] | May 14, 2021
Legislative Alerts MA Action Alert: Contact Joint Judiciary Committee About Dog-Related Bills Up for Hearing on Wednesday, May 19
At its Wednesday, May 19, 2021, hearing, the Massachusetts General Court’s Joint Judiciary Committee will consider multiple dog-related bills.  The American Kennel Club (AKC) supports five proposals and opposes four.  AKC encourages all concerned Massachusetts residents to contact the members of the Joint Judiciary Committee to express support of H. 1656, H. 1824, S. 1111, […] | May 13, 2021
Yorkshire Terriers together outdoors.
Expert Advice: Studies Are We Gender-Stereotyping Our Dogs?
"Female dogs are moodier; males are more playful." "Females are more dog-aggressive; males are more human-aggressive." "Males are more loyal." "Females are sweeter." Everyone, it seems, has an opinion on sex differences in dogs—these are just a few I collected in an informal poll. But is there any truth to these distinctions, or are they […] | May 12, 2021
Legislative Alerts Colorado Update: Pet Store Law With Positive Amendments Signed By Governor
The Governor of Colorado has signed into law new regulations for pet stores that will allow them to continue to operate in the state. As introduced, this bill contained false claims about breeders and inaccurate information that pets from rescues are better for public safety as they are not imported from out of state.  Further, […] | May 5, 2021
Expert Advice: Breed History Black Russian Terrier History: Meet the Soviet Superdog
Necessity is the mother of invention, the saying goes. And no dog illustrates that better than the Black Russian Terrier. This relatively new breed – barely two decades in the making – was developed after World War II, when Europe was divided into two geopolitical spheres: the Western bloc led by the United States and […] | May 4, 2021
Legislative Alerts California Victory: AB 702 to be Pulled from Committee Agenda
AKC has been notified that California Assembly Bill 702, which would have regulated all breeders in the state, will be pulled from today’s committee hearing agenda and not be considered this year. As such, we no longer need clubs and hobbyists to make phone calls during today’s meeting. AKC extends a huge thanks to all […] | April 27, 2021
Legislative Alerts New York: Senate Committee Considering Limiting Pet Choice, Breed Rescue on Monday
On Monday, April 26, the New York Senate Agriculture Committee will consider a bill which will prohibit retail pet stores from selling any dogs or cats.  Instead, they would only be allowed to “showcase” animals available for adoption from a shelter, rescue, or adoption agency that has no affiliation with breeders. New York residents are […] | April 23, 2021
Legislative Alerts Maryland 2021 Session Adjourns with Many Victories for Dog Owners
Last week, the 2021 Session of the Maryland General Assembly was adjourned.  Overall, the Session could be deemed a success for dogs and responsible dog owners given the outcome of several bills, including: House Bill 81/Senate Bill 122 – Regulating Dogs Outdoors: HB 81 and its companion SB 122 sought to address “Unattended Dogs in […] | April 20, 2021
Legislative Alerts Nevada: Ask Committee to Support Ban on Insurance Breed Discrimination on Wednesday (4/21)
The Nevada Assembly Commerce and Labor Committee is considering a bill on Wednesday, April 21, that would prohibit homeowner’s, renter’s and mobile home insurance or vehicle umbrella insurance providers from refusing or cancelling coverage or increasing premiums based solely on the breed of dog owned by the policy holder. All responsible dog owners and breeders […] | April 19, 2021

Showing 1,031-1,040 of 1,684 results