Showing 91-100 of 1,685 results

Legislative Alerts Marshfield, MA Action Alert: Town to Vote on Requiring Breeder Licenses and Restricting Breed Rescue and Retail Sales!
On Monday, October 19, at 7:00pm, residents in Marshfield, Massachusetts, will be asked at a special town meeting to vote on three proposed dog ordinances, Articles 1, 2 and 3.  These articles are extremely problematic because combined, they hamstring local breeding programs in favor of importing strays to meet consumers’ high demand for dogs.  New […] | October 8, 2020
Legislative Alerts Barrow County, GA: Commissioners Consider Designating 12-15 Dog Breeds as Dangerous; Activists Discuss Additional Dog Owner/Breeder Restrictions
Changes to the county animal ordinance, including discussion of a proposal to declare numerous dog breeds as dangerous, were presented at the Barrow County Board of Commissioners meeting on September 22, 2020.  The county manager recommended that 12-15 breeds be designated as dangerous. TAKE ACTION TODAY.  Barrow County residents are urged to immediately contact their […] | October 6, 2020
Legislative Alerts US Congress: Problematic Breeder Mandates Bill Introduced in Senate
Earlier this week, Sen. Richard Durbin (D-IL) introduced a bill that would make changes to the federal Animal Welfare Act to mandate arbitrary new requirements for certain professional and small hobby dog breeders. S. 4757 – the “Puppy Protection Act of 2020” – is a companion measure (with the same language) to HR 2442 introduced […] | October 2, 2020
Legislative Alerts TX Update: Sunset Commission Still Accepting Comments on Elimination of Ineffective and Costly Licensed Breeders Program
The Texas Sunset Advisory Commission is still accepting comments on its June staff report recommendation that the state’s Licensed Breeder Program should be eliminated due to fundamental flaws with the law that created it, the program’s ineffectiveness, and significant operational costs. The Commission was originally scheduled to consider the recommendation at an August hearing, but […] | September 24, 2020
Pomeranians being trained to dance outdoors.
Expert Advice: Basic Training What Responsible Dog Ownership Means, According to a Trainer
I smelled the stench before I saw her, sort of like a landfill on a 92-degree day. A mottled gray and once-white shaggy blur ran down the hall into my arms, and I was in love, no matter what my nose told me. This cuter-than-a-teddy-bear puppy had darted into my boyfriend’s office when he opened […] | September 3, 2020
Yellow Labrador Retriever getting a shot at the vet.
Expert Advice: Health What Responsible Dog Ownership Means, According to a Veterinarian
So, you think you want a dog? Before adding a canine companion to your family, you should give careful thought to what it means to be a responsible dog owner. I know I had to. When I was a little kid, my family was not animal-oriented, but I was obsessed with animals, especially dogs. I […] | September 3, 2020
Legislative Alerts TX Action Alert: Contact Sunset Commission, Urge Adoption of Recommendation to Eliminate Ineffective and Costly Licensed Breeders Program.
In June, staff of the Texas Sunset Advisory Commission recommended that the state’s Licensed Breeders Program should be eliminated due to fundamental flaws with the law that created it, the program’s ineffectiveness, and significant operational costs.  The Sunset Advisory Commission will meet on Thursday, August 20, to accept testimony on recommendations to eliminate 15 regulatory […] | August 3, 2020
Legislative Alerts Holliston, MA: Town to Vote on Restricting Breeders, Licensed Pet Sales. ACT NOW!
On Monday, July 20 at 7:30pm, residents in Holliston, Massachusetts will be asked at its annual town meeting to vote on warrant  Article 22 .  Although the proposal’s title is “Protecting Consumers and Animals in Holliston,” it instead would ban the sale of purpose-bred pets from state-inspected and -licensed facilities, like pet shops, in favor […] | July 15, 2020
Expert Advice: Breeding Tips & Best Practices Take Advantage of Breeder Resources from AKC Canine Health Foundation
The AKC Canine Health Foundation (CHF) is a non-profit organization dedicated to advancing the health of all dogs and their owners through sound scientific research and the dissemination of health information. CHF works with researchers, veterinarians, breed clubs, dog owners, and breeders to find and fund studies with the greatest potential to improve the health […] | June 16, 2020
Legislative Alerts Texas Heads-Up: State Breeder Licensing Targeted for Elimination, Expect Opposition
In 2011, the Texas Legislature passed and then-Governor Perry signed into law the Dog and Cat Breeders Act.  The law’s aim is to regulate those who (1) possesses 11 or more adult intact female animals and (2) who are engaged in the business of breeding those animals for direct or indirect sale or for exchange […] | June 11, 2020

Showing 91-100 of 1,685 results