Maryland: Act Now to Oppose HB 1080 Impacting Your Dog Ownership Rights!
On Thursday, March 4 at 1:30pm, The Maryland House Judiciary Committee will be holding a hearing on House Bill 1080 that addresses the issue of animals that are seized and the costs of their care during impoundment. AKC strongly believes that those who treat animals in a cruel manner should be held accountable and punished […] | March 3, 2021
Florida Committee to Vote TOMORROW (3/3/21) on Bill to Strictly Limit Tethering, Authorize Confiscation of Tethered Dogs
Senate Bill 650 seeks to ban unattended tethering of dogs and cats, with limited exemptions that would apply only during certain weather conditions. SB 650 would also authorize confiscation of an improperly tethered dog. The bill is on the agenda of the Senate Committee on Agriculture tomorrow, March 3, 2021, at 12:00 p.m. As introduced, […] | March 2, 2021
CT: Hearings March 3rd for Animal Welfare, March 5th for Towns Banning Retail Pet Sales
This week, two Connecticut legislative committees have scheduled public hearings as follows: March 3, 2021, at 10am - HB 6504 Regarding Animal Welfare.  This bill is supported by the American Kennel Club (AKC) because it would: require a veterinary examination of animals brought into the state by animal shelters and update violation amounts; update state […] | March 2, 2021
Pennsylvania Clarification: HB 594 – Dog Shows and Shut-Down Orders
Last week, House Bill 594 was introduced in Pennsylvania relative to COVID-19 limitations and restrictions as they may apply to a number of recreational activities, including dog shows and events.  AKC wishes to clarify its position on this legislation. Early on during the COVID-19 Pandemic, AKC worked to developed guidelines to assist those clubs who […] | March 2, 2021
Rhode Island Alert: “Lawyers for Dogs” Bill with Hearings on March 2, 2021
AKC Government Relations (AKC GR) encourages Rhode Island residents to take action as soon as possible on H. 5577, which seeks to create court-appointed legal advocates for animals.  The bill will be considered by the House Judiciary Committee at a public hearing on Tuesday, March 2, 2021, starting at 7pm. AKC opposes H. 5577 because […] | March 1, 2021
Utah: URGENT- Retail Pet Sales Ban Being Considered Tomorrow Could Impact Hobbyists- Call Today!
On Tuesday, March 2, the Utah House Labor and Commerce Committee will be considering House Bill 420, which seeks to ban retail pet stores from selling any dog unless sourced from a shelter or rescue. AKC strongly urges all who reside in Utah to call the committee TODAY and ask them to oppose House Bill […] | March 1, 2021
Memphis, TN—Ask City Council to Vote No on Ordinance that Would Restrict Pet Choice
On Tuesday, March 2, the Memphis City Council will hold a third and final vote on an ordinance that makes false claims about breeders and would restrict consumer choice when acquiring a pet. Memphis residents are urged to contact city council members and urge a no vote on the pet store ordinance.  Scroll down for […] | February 26, 2021
Iowa: Subcommittee to Consider Bill Protecting Animal Husbandry on Monday (3/1)
On Monday, an Iowa Senate subcommittee will consider a positive bill that clarifies that certain animal husbandry practices are not included in the definition of animal abuse. Senate File 435 is a very short bill that addresses the current law, which defines animal abuse as any time “A…person intentionally, knowingly, or recklessly acts to inflict […] | February 26, 2021
Pennsylvania: Bill Introduced to Protect Dog Shows from Arbitrary Shut Downs Due to COVID-19 Emergency Orders
This past week, State Representative David Millard introduced House Bill 594 which would restrict the governor’s disaster emergency power to shut down lawful recreational activities. As written and subject to the capacity limitation of the facility, neither the Commonwealth nor any municipality may restrict or impose a limitation through an executive order, proclamation, regulation, resolution […] | February 26, 2021
Minnesota Info: Bill Seeks to Modify the Membership of Board of Animal Health
Minnesota House File 1137, which is scheduled to be considered by the House Agriculture Finance and Policy Committee on Monday, March 1, seeks to modify the membership of the state’s Board of Animal Health. The Board of Animal Health is empowered to quarantine domestic animals with contagious or infectious diseases, to regulate or prohibit the […] | February 26, 2021

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