On National Purebred Dog Day, your lawmaker should hear from you!
National Purebred Dog Day is a great opportunity to educate your legislator about the importance of purpose-bred dogs. On May 1st, reach out to your decision makers through email and social media and let them know the many reasons you love purebred dogs.  Law makers want to hear from their constituents. During this 'new normal,' […]
https://www.akc.org/legislative-alerts/national-purebred-dog-day-sharing-toolbox/ | April 21, 2020
On National Purebred Dog Day, your lawmaker should hear from you!
National Purebred Dog Day is a great opportunity to educate your legislator about the importance of purpose-bred dogs. On May 1st, reach out to your decision makers through email and social media and let them know the many reasons you love purebred dogs.  Lawmakers want to hear from their constituents. During this 'new normal,' the […]
https://www.akc.org/legislative-alerts/national-purebred-dog-day-lawmaker-hear/ | April 21, 2020
Virginia Info: Governor’s Recommended Changes Could Impact Animal Research for COVID-19, Other Diseases
Tomorrow (Wednesday, April 22), the Virginia General Assembly will hold a one-day session to act on bills that have been sent back to the General Assembly by Governor Northam with recommendations for approval prior to becoming law. One those bills is SB 891.  Originally intended to deal with the adoption of comprehensive regulations governing the […]
https://www.akc.org/legislative-alerts/virginia-info-governors-recommended-changes-impact-animal-research-covid-19-diseases/ | April 21, 2020
Virginia Update: Tethering bill signed by Governor
Recently, Governor Northam signed SB 272/HB 1552  into law.  The new rules regarding tethering will take effect on July 1, 2020. As mentioned in a previous alert, this bill contains language that sets absolute temperatures and weather conditions language, along with a new (and unclear) provision that would allow an animal control officer to assess […]
https://www.akc.org/legislative-alerts/virginia-update-tethering-bill-signed-governor/ | April 20, 2020
RI: Proposed Amendments to Rules for Dogs Temporarily Imported for Shows Address AKC, Clubs Concerns
Earlier this week, the Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management (DEM) posted changes  to the state’s proposed animal health regulations for dogs temporarily imported into the state for shows.  The changes clarify animal description requirements and allow veterinarians to be on call instead of on the show premises.  The American Kennel Club (AKC) supports these […]
https://www.akc.org/legislative-alerts/ri-proposed-amendments-rules-dogs-temporarily-imported-shows-address-akc-clubs-concerns/ | April 16, 2020
North Carolina: State Extends Comment Period on New Rabbit Enclosure Regulations
The North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission (WRC) is proposing temporary, emergency regulations that could impact those who train or participate in field trials with rabbits. At the request of many local field trial clubs and the AKC, the WRC has agreed to extend the comment period for this proposal to April 27, 2020.  Scroll down […]
https://www.akc.org/legislative-alerts/north-carolina-state-extends-comment-period-new-rabbit-enclosure-regulations/ | April 16, 2020
AKC Comments on U.S. Department of Transportation Proposal to Redefine “Service Animal”
Today, the American Kennel Club (AKC) submitted comments to the United States Department of Transportation (DOT) regarding its proposed regulation updates that would redefine “service animal”  for the purpose of air travel. The Air Carrier Access Act (ACAA) is a federal law that prohibits discrimination on the basis of disability in air travel and requires […]
https://www.akc.org/legislative-alerts/akc-comments-u-s-department-transportation-proposal-redefine-service-animal/ | April 6, 2020
MA Update: Committee Again Extends Consideration Period for Concerning Legislation
Last June, the Massachusetts General Court’s Joint Municipalities and Regional Government Committee accepted public testimony on H.1774, S. 114, H. 1757, H.1758, H. 1822, H. 1823, and S. 1204, which seek: to impose regulatory oversight over personal and commercial kennels, mandate annual inspections of all kennels, and create consumer protection laws that exempt animal shelters […]
https://www.akc.org/legislative-alerts/ma-update-committee-extends-consideration-period-concerning-legislation/ | April 3, 2020
Edgewood, KY: City Council Member Proposes Dog Breeds Ban
On March 16, 2020, members of the Edgewood, Kentucky, city council discussed amendments to the city’s animal ordinance, including changes to vicious dog provisions.  During the meeting, one council member proposed including a ban on Rottweilers and “pit bulls”.  No action was taken. The American Kennel Club (AKC) supports reasonable, enforceable, non-discriminatory laws to govern […]
https://www.akc.org/legislative-alerts/edgewood-ky-city-council-member-proposes-dog-breeds-ban/ | April 3, 2020
North Carolina Info: Wildlife Resources Commission Proposes Amendments to Dog Training and Field Trials Rule
The North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission is proposing amendments to the Dog Training and Field Trials rule.  The rule is being amended to provide for the issuance of field trial permits online, and to make organizational and technical changes. The most significant change under the proposed amended rule would allow individuals who want to conduct […]
https://www.akc.org/legislative-alerts/north-carolina-info-wildlife-resources-commission-proposes-amendments-dog-training-field-trials-rule/ | April 2, 2020

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