New York: Debarking Ban Advancing in Assembly – Call Today
Earlier this week, the Assembly Agriculture Committee approved a ban on “debarking” – a recognized veterinary practice also known as bark softening. This bill is very similar to one that recently passed the Senate that would prohibit veterinarians from performing this procedure unless it is medically necessary to treat an injury, illness, or congenital defect. […] | May 22, 2024
Louisiana: Updates on Bills that Impact Dogs and Dog Owners
The Louisiana state legislature is in the final two weeks of its scheduled 2024 session. Here is an updated status report on several bills of interest to dog owners: Senate Bill 476 seeks to criminalize the use of bait dogs in training dogs for dog fighting. The American Kennel Club (AKC) recommended an amendment to […] | May 21, 2024
Michigan: Urge Committee to Oppose Troublesome Non-Economic Damages for Service Dogs Bill before Wednesday Hearing
On Wednesday, May 22, 2024, the Michigan House Judiciary Committee will consider a bill that would allow a person to receive “non-economic” damages for mental anguish, fright and shock, and loss of companionship caused by the injury or death of their service animal.  Although such feel-good concepts may sound benign, they not only represent a […] | May 20, 2024
Understanding CDC’s New Rule for Bringing Dogs into the United States
Earlier this week, the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) published a new rule for the importation of dogs into the United States. The rule, which becomes effective on August 1, 2024, will require all dogs to be at minimum six months of age prior to import into the U.S. The American […] | May 17, 2024
U.S. Congress Constituent Alert: Contact Congress Now to Support Base Text of House Farm Bill
Today, the U.S. House Agriculture Committee released draft language for the 2024 Farm Bill. This must-pass bill reauthorizes USDA programs for five years and also seeks to address federal animal welfare and breeder oversight programs. As introduced, the bill supports important priorities for dog enthusiasts and responsible breeders, including canine health, welfare and the rights […] | May 17, 2024
Ohio: Bill To Change Definition of ‘High Volume Breeder’ Introduced
On May 15, House Bill 539 was introduced in the Ohio House of Representatives.  This bill seeks to expand the number of dog breeders subject to state licensing as “high volume breeders” by redefining that group to include breeders with six or more breeding dogs who sell directly to the public. Ohio law defines a […] | May 17, 2024
Tennessee: Positive Dog Laws Enacted in 2024
Tennessee’s legislative session ended on April 25, 2024, and the American Kennel Club (AKC) is pleased to report multiple legislative successes that benefit dogs and dog owners. AKC thanks members of AKC-affiliated clubs, sportsmen, and every individual who contacted their state lawmakers about bills that affect our dogs. Special thanks go to the Nashville Kennel […] | May 14, 2024
Florida: Sales Tax Holiday on Pet Disaster Preparedness Supplies Passes for 2024
Good news for Florida pet owners! A bill that, among other provisions, reenacts state sales tax holidays on certain disaster preparation supplies was signed by the Governor as Chapter 2024-158. This year’s sales tax holiday dates are June 1-June 14 and August 24-September 6. The American Kennel Club and the Florida Association of Kennel Clubs […] | May 13, 2024
San Antonio City Councilmember Requests Ordinance to Spay/Neuter Owned At-Large Dogs
Last week, a San Antonio City Councilmember requested an ordinance intended to address at-large and dangerous dog issues in the city.  However, the request includes concerning provisions requesting the city adopt practices requiring the spaying/neutering of at-large animals even if the owner is identified. The AKC understands the City’s desire to address dangerous dog and […] | May 13, 2024
CDC Dog Import Rules Published Today, Under Review by AKC
In today’s edition of the Federal Register, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) published its newly finalized rule on the importation of dogs.  The 123-page rule, which will become effective on August 1, 2024, is available at Last week, AKC published this post that alerted dog owners with a summary of […] | May 13, 2024

Showing 11-20 of 24 results