Iowa Considering Unreasonable New Regulation of Dog Owners, Groomers, Breeders and Rescues
Iowa already has some of the most restrictive breeder regulation in the nation.  Nevertheless, legislation has once again been introduced to expand the state’s regulation of dog breeders, hobbyists, fanciers, groomers, and rescues and require them to pay significant license fees.  Proposals are currently pending in both the Iowa House and Senate.  Iowa dog owners, […] | February 1, 2016
Augusta-Richmond Co., GA: Council Votes Tomorrow on Mandatory Spay/Neuter of All Impounded Pets
The Augusta-Richmond County Commission is scheduled to vote tomorrow on a proposed ordinance that would require spay/neuter for all impounded dogs and cats, regardless of the circumstances, and would enact additional problematic amendments to the city/ county animal ordinance. Concerned animal owners are urged to immediately contact commission members and respectfully ask them to VOTE […] | February 1, 2016

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