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Chocolate Labrador retriever puppy eating the spilled dog food on the floor outside his dish.
Antonio_Diaz/Getty Images Plus via Getty Images

Health is always a key concern for a new puppy owner. Your puppy buyers look to you as a trustworthy source of information when it comes to their new pet and might have questions ranging from puppy-proofing their home to general health. Here are a few common questions puppy buyers might have, as well as some advice that might come in handy for first-time puppy owners. 

Avoiding Risks with Puppy-Proofing

It’s no secret – puppies are curious. Any dog owner has likely caught their pet attempting to eat something they aren’t supposed to or knocking something over while they play. Before your buyers bring home a puppy, advising them to “puppy-proof” the home is always a good idea. This might mean removing any breakables the puppy could reach, covering wires the puppy could chew and removing any houseplants the puppy might eatPuppy-proofing not only protects the home, but it also keeps the puppy safe from injury or from accidentally ingesting something toxic. 

Health and Diet

While nutritional needs might vary from dog to dog, high-quality pet food is an owner’s best bet to keep their pet happy and at a healthy weight. You can never go wrong by recommending good food and healthy habits such as regular walks and playtime to your puppy buyers. Practices such as table-feeding might seem harmless to new owners, but this can put the puppy at risk of being overweight or eating something unsafe. It’s particularly important for new puppy owners to remember that feeding their puppy table scraps might encourage an unwanted pattern of behavior into adulthood.  

Bichon Frise puppy chewing on a rug.
vladimir_n/Getty Images Plus via Getty Images

Parasite Prevention

As the weather warms up, many states across the country are beginning to enter tick season. Not only are ticks, fleas and other parasites a nuisance for both dogs and owners, they can also pose serious health risks such as Lyme disease. Help your puppy buyers get on the right track by recommending an effective parasite treatment for their dog to take year-round. New owners might also benefit from learning what to look out for if they believe their puppy has been bitten by any kind of insect, such as bumpswelts and excessive scratching. 

Questions Anytime, Anywhere?

The unexpected can happen at any time, and your buyers can’t always call you or their veterinarian with every concern. That’s why AKC offers the AKC  Vetline: a live, 24/7 service staffed by licensed veterinary professionals. AKC Vetline can provide answers to questions regarding general pet health, parasite prevention, illness and injury, poison issues and nutrition whenever and wherever your buyers need it.  

Purchasing AKC Vetline for your puppies is a great way to show your buyers that you’re committed to the long-term health of the dogs you breed. With a one-time subscription fee good for the lifetime of the dog, your puppy-buyers can rest easy knowing that no matter where or when they need them, answers are just a phone call away. 

Learn more about AKC Vetline.

This article is intended solely as general guidance, and does not constitute health or other professional advice. Individual situations and applicable laws vary by jurisdiction, and you are encouraged to obtain appropriate advice from qualified professionals in the applicable jurisdictions. We make no representations or warranties concerning any course of action taken by any person following or otherwise using the information offered or provided in this article, including any such information associated with and provided in connection with third-party products, and we will not be liable for any direct, indirect, consequential, special, exemplary or other damages that may result, including but not limited to economic loss, injury, illness or death.
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Selecting a Puppy

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