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When your family is getting ready to cheer on your favorite team when a big sports game is on TV, don’t forget to make plans for how to support your dog during game day gatherings. With a little preparation, you’ll be able to keep your dog happy and safe while you root for your favorite teams!

Don’t Pass the Snacks

One of the big risks to dogs at big game parties is the snacks. Unfortunately, most of the foods that we enjoy eating during Big Game parties are dangerous for our dogs. Some of these foods can be outright toxic for dogs.

Others are dangerous because they contain ingredients like xylitol, garlic, or onions which are toxic to dogs, or contain high quantities of salt. which can make dogs sick. Popular party foods to keep away from your dog include:

If you’re having guests over, be sure to keep food and snacks out of reach of your dog. Avoid putting food on coffee tables or other low surfaces that your dog can easily reach. Similarly, supervise your dog to ensure they don’t counter surf and sneak food off the counter. If your dog gets into your big game party snacks, contact your veterinarian or an emergency veterinarian in your area right away.

Two cute corgi dogs on a sofa.
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Watch Your Glass

You and your family might crack open a few alcoholic beverages to celebrate the big game, but it’s important not to share those with your dog. Alcohol is toxic to dogs, and the last thing you want is to miss the end of the game because you are at the emergency vet! Watch where your drink is during the day; don’t leave it in places where your dog could access it, like on the floor or low coffee tables.

Keep Marijuana Away

Depending on where you live, marijuana may be legal as a recreational substance. If any of your guests are using marijuana during your sports party, be sure that none of it is left anywhere your dog can reach. Pay special attention to preventing your dog from getting access to any “edibles” (when marijuana is baked into foods like cookies and brownies).

Remember: Guests Can Be Stressful

If you’re looking forward to welcoming friends and family into your home for a big game party, remember that this can be stressful for your dog. Especially for “pandemic puppies.” Dogs and puppies who were born or brought home during the pandemic likely haven’t had much experience with guests and parties, which can lead to fearful, or protective behavior when guests start coming over.

Even older dogs who are usually well-behaved with guests can be wary or nervous about visitors. This can lead to dogs being stressed, fearful, or uncomfortable about people in the house. For some dogs, this will look like trying to hide, and other dogs may display their discomfort with reactive barking, lunging, and barking.

Supervise Your Dog

The kind of animated behavior that a good game inspires in people can be especially frightening or be perceived as threatening by our dogs. Try to watch your dog closely during the big game for any signs of stress or discomfort. If you notice your dog getting over-aroused, don’t scold or punish your dog for jumping or acting up.

Instead, recognize that behavior is a sign that the festivities are too much for your dog to handle right now. Give your dog a chance to take a break. If you aren’t sure how your dog will react to guests, it can be helpful to keep your dog leashed to you during the gathering so that you can more easily redirect them with treats and toys if they get overly excited. Be especially attentive to always supervise interactions if there are going to be children visiting your home to ensure they engage safely and appropriately with your dog.

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Teach “Go to Place”

A useful cue to teach your dog before any big family gathering is “go to bed” or “place.” This is a way to give your dog information about what you do want, allowing you to be behaviorally proactive instead of reactive. This allows you to give your dog their own space to be when you have visitors coming into the home.

For a place cue, you can use a dog bed or a platform like a Klimb. Just make sure that it is large enough for your dog to comfortably lay on. The idea is to give your dog a comfortable and safe place to be while they are out of the way. Start teaching your dog to go to place/bed before you have visitors in the house.

Step 1: Take a treat and lure your dog to the bed or platform and praise and treat your dog. After a few repetitions when your dog is following the treat to the bed, start to introduce a verbal cue of your choice like “bed” or “place.”

Step 2: Next, place a treat on their place and gently keep your dog a couple of feet from it. Say your verbal cue and release your dog to go to their bed. Praise your dog as they eat the treat. The goal is for us to reinforce to our dogs that their bed is a good place to be.

Step 3: Practice asking your dog to spend time on their bed using a “stay” cue if your dog knows it. Give them a dog-safe chew or hard rubber toy (like a rubber dog toy stuffed with dog-safe peanut butter or dog food) to keep your dog occupied while they are in their place.

When your dog is comfortable spending time in their place with just your family at home, start to introduce the behavior when you have guests coming over. Have a chew or stuffed KONG toy prepped before your visitors arrive so you’ll be ready to send your dog to their bed/platform with a chew/slow-release toy.

Note: If your dog is stressed or fearful about visitors coming into your home, it’s better to provide your dog with a safe space like a crate or another room in the house, blocked by a dog gate. This is more effective than asking your dog to stay on their bed and watch visitors moving around. If your dog is laying in their place while you have visitors over, be sure to ask guests not to engage with your dog while they are in their place, as this could be distracting or upsetting for your dog.

Create Space

Consider providing your dog with a separate place in your home to be during the party. This could look mean keeping your dog crated while you have guests visiting, or turning a bedroom into a private hangout space for your dog while visitors are in the house. Turn on some music to muffle the game noises, and give your dog a safe chew or stuffed KONG in their quiet area. Chewing can be a stress-relieving and soothing activity for dogs.

Even if your dog is joining in the party, it’s a good idea to give them some breaks. Spend a commercial break or even halftime getting your dog out for a walk or a quick play in the yard to decompress from the festivities.

This article is intended solely as general guidance, and does not constitute health or other professional advice. Individual situations and applicable laws vary by jurisdiction, and you are encouraged to obtain appropriate advice from qualified professionals in the applicable jurisdictions. We make no representations or warranties concerning any course of action taken by any person following or otherwise using the information offered or provided in this article, including any such information associated with and provided in connection with third-party products, and we will not be liable for any direct, indirect, consequential, special, exemplary or other damages that may result, including but not limited to economic loss, injury, illness or death.

Related article: Ways You Could Be Annoying Your Dog
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