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AKC GR Awards Help Support Your Club’s Community Outreach

AKC GR Awards Help Support Your Club’s Community Outreach

Bebout Award Photo
Dr. Arnold Goldman and the CT Federation of Dog Clubs & Responsible Dog Owners Win Bebout Award

Did you know the AKC has several grant opportunities and awards that are given throughout the year to various AKC clubs, federations, and other exceptional community leaders who work to advance responsible dog ownership?

One award is the Walter Bebout Memorial Award for Leadership in Canine Legislation. The Bebout award honors individuals and organizations that demonstrate excellence in leadership in legislative issues. Recipients of the award also receive a $1,000 donation to help offset the costs already incurred associated with that organizations legislative and community outreach efforts. The award is a great way to honor those who make extraordinary efforts in their community that advance sound and responsible canine policy. Learn more about the award and how to nominate a candidate for the award by clicking here.

The Community Achievement Award honors those clubs, federations, or individuals who have demonstrated excellence in promoting responsible dog ownership within their community. The focus of this award is to honor exemplary public education and government relations efforts. Honorees receive a certificate of recognition, and their club or federation receives $1,000 to further public education, policy and outreach efforts within their community. To read more about this award, or make a nomination click here.

The Cedar Rapids Kennel Association was awarded a CLSF Grant for the educational program they developed to teach local veterinary students about responsible dog breeders.

The GR Department established the AKC Award for Outstanding Leadership in Canine Policy in 2016. This award honors exceptional commitment and leadership that positively impacts canine policy, public understanding of canine policy, responsible dog ownership, and the future of purebred dogs. The first recipients of this award were Forrest and Charlotte Lucas who produced the movie The Dog LoverClick here to read further about this award that honors excellence in leadership.

The Canine Legislative Support Fund (CLSF) Educational Grant  is a microgrant designed to assist AKC dog clubs and federations in educating dog owners, the public, and elected officials at the federal, state, and local levels to ensure that the rights of responsible dog owners and breeders are protected. These small grants, of up to $500 may be used for an education day or specific public outreach event. The grant money can be used for materials, travel, facility rentals, and other operational items and are awarded on a rolling basis.  One recent recipient of a CLSF Educational Grant is the California Federation of Dog Clubs. The grant helped the club set up a lobby day in Sacramento, which was a huge success. To read more about the application process for this grant click here.

AKC GR also has an award for communities that have gone above and beyond to support dog owners.  The AKC Dog-Friendly Community Award is presented to municipalities throughout the United States that have demonstrated a strong dedication to making a positive, welcoming community for dogs and responsible dog owners.  Cities that have been honored include Ridgewood, New Jersey, Whittier, California, and the most recent recipient was Westwood, New Jersey.  If you think your community deserves to be recognized as a “dog-friendly community”, contact us at for nominating information.

To find out more about the Government Relations department and the great resources we provide check out our website, which includes the AKC GR Toolbox.