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Bebout Award Winner Donates Prize to AKC’s Canine Legislative Support Fund

Ann Lettis and Kindra

Ann Lettis, winner of the American Kennel Club’s Walter Bebout Memorial Award for Leadership in Canine Legislation, has announced that she is donating the prize money accompanying the award to the AKC’s Canine Legislation Support Fund.

“I could think of no better use for the money than to support the CLSF. I’ve worked with the AKC for years, and it just seems natural to give back,” she said.

“Ann is one of our most dedicated and generous  federation leaders and legislative advocates. She is truly an inspiration to all of us. Her generous gift illustrates the kind of quiet dedication and selflessness she has devoted to legislative advocacy and purebred dogs for many years,”  said Sheila Goffe, Vice President, AKC Government Relations.

Ann Lettis is a long-time owner/breeder exhibitor of Staffordshire Bull Terriers, and prior to that, Boxers.  She has been involved canine legislation, education and advocacy for 30 years. She founded the Responsible Dog Owners Association of New York, an AKC federation that focuses on canine legislation issues in the New York City area.

Click here to learn more about Ann and the Bebout award.