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FSS Breeds In Performance Events

FSS Breeds In Performance Events

As of February 9, 2007, the AKC Board of Directors approved the eligibility of Foundation Stock breeds that meet certain criteria to compete in AKC Performance Events; this will be effective January 1, 2008.

Eligible breeds can compete in select Performance events. To become eligible the breeds must have the following:

1.  dogs with three generation pedigrees recorded in the FSS®

2.  a breed standard

The breeds that currently meet the criteria are:

last updated 3/26/24


  • Braque du Bourbonnais – (pointer)
  • Braque Francais Pyrenean – (pointer)
  • Braque Saint-Germain – (pointer)
  • Drentsche Patrijshond – (pointer & retriever)
  • French Spaniel – (pointer)
  • German Longhaired Pointer – (pointer)
  • Large Munsterlander – (pointer & retriever)
  • Pont-Audemer Spaniel – (pointer)
  • Portuguese Pointer – (pointer)
  • Pudelpointer – (pointer)
  • Slovakian Wirehaired Pointer – (pointer)
  • Small Munsterlander  – (pointer & retriever)
  • Stabyhoun – (pointer)
  • Wetterhoun – (retriever)


  • Jagdterrier
  • Japanese Terrier
  • Teddy Roosevelt Terrier


  • Norrbottenspets
  • Peruvian Inca Orchid
  • Portuguese Podengo
  • Thai Ridgeback


  • Appenzeller Sennenhunde
  • Australian Kelpie
  • Australian Stumpy Tail Cattle Dog
  • Barbado de Terceira
  • Bohemian Shepherd
  • Catahoula Leopard Dog
  • Croatian Sheepdog
  • Czechoslovakian Vlack
  • Danish-Swedish Farmdog
  • Dutch Shepherd
  • Lapponian Herder
  • Portuguese Sheepdog
  • Schapendoes
  • Slovensky Cuvac
  • Swedish Lapphund
  • Working Kelpie

Check out cool facts about and pictures of these breeds!