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Foundation Stock Service Program

FSS Breed Domestic Registries

When a Foundation Stock Breed is accepted in the FSS program the clubs may designate a domestic registry or club registry for recording.

Eligibility for FSS Recording

  • The dog must be of a breed eligible for FSS Recording.
  • The dog must first be registered with a registry acceptable to the AKC (see below) or foreign organizations (see Special Registry Services for more info on these registries) .
  • The dog must be registered with the same name that appears on the certificate and/or pedigree from an acceptable  registry.
  • The dog must be registered in the same owner(s) name that appears on the certificate and/or pedigree from an acceptable registry.
  • The information on the application must agree with the information on the acceptable registry certificate and/or pedigree.

How to apply for FSS Recording

If your dog meets the requirements listed above and you wish to apply for Foundation Stock Service recording, please send us a completed Foundation Stock Service Application and all of the required attachments listed on the application.

Acceptable Domestic Registries

Below is a list of FSS acceptable domestic registries.  Your breed must be listed in order for AKC to accept the pedigree for your dog.

** dogs may be listed under multiple registries

(updated 8/14/24)

United Kennel Club

  • All FSS Breeds except Dutch Shepherds

American Bulldog Association

  • American Bulldog

American Kishu Registry

  • Kishu Ken

American Portuguese Podengo Mediogrande Club

  • Portuguese Podengo **

American Rare Breed Association

  • Alaskan Klee Kai
  • American Bulldog
  • Australian Kelpie
  • Bavarian Mountain Scent Hound
  • Brazilian Terrier
  • Broholmer
  • Brazilian Terrier
  • Danish-Swedish Farmdog **
  • Hanoverian Scenthound
  • Hokkaido **
  • Jagdterrier **
  • Japanese Spitz
  • Krofohrlander
  • Russian Tsvetnaya Bolonka  **
  • Shikoku **

Ameri-Can Stabyhoun Association

  • Stabyhouns

Braque du Bourbonnais Club of America

  • Braque du Bourbonnais  **

Danish-Swedish Farm

  • Danish-Swedish Farm Dog **

Deutscher Wachelhund Of North America

  • Deutscher Wachtelhunde

Drentsche Patrijshond Club of North America

  • Drentsche Patrijshonden  **

Dutch Shepherd Club of North America

  • Dutch Shepherd

Estrela Mountain Dog Association of America

  • Estrela Mountain Dog

German Jagdterrier Registry of America

  • Jagdterrier

German Longhaired Pointer Club of North America

  • German Longhaired Pointer **

Hamiltonstovare Club of America

  • Hamiltonstovare

Hovawart Club of America

  • Hovawart

Japanese Akita Inu Club

  • Japanese Akitainu  **

Kai Ken Aigokai Canine Registry

  • Kai Ken

Kemmer Stock Mountain Cur Breeders Association

  • Mountain Cur **

Kokkaido Association of North America

  • Hokkaido **

Large Munsterlander Association of America

  • Large Munsterlander  **

Mountain Cur Breeders Association

  • Mountain Cur **

National Kennel Club

  • Jagdterrier  **

National Perro De Presa Canario Club

  • Presa Canario **

North American Australian Kelpie Registry

  • Working Kelpie **

North American Skikoku Club

  • Shikoku **

North American Tsvetnaya Bolonka Club

  • Russian Tsvetnaya Bolonka

North American Versatile Hunting Dog Association 

  • Blue Picardy Spaniel
  • Braque du Bourbonnais **
  • Braque Francais Pyreneans
  • Braque Saint-Germain
  • Drentsche Patrijshonden **
  • French Spaniel
  • German Longhaired Pointer **
  • Large Munsterlander **
  • Portuguese Pointer **
  • Pudelpointer **
  • Slovakian Wirehaired Pointer
  • Small Munsterlander Pointer **

North American Volpino Club

  • Volpino Italiano **

Portuguese Podengo Club of America

  • Portuguese Podengo  **

Professional Kennel Club

  • American Leopard Hound

Pudelpointer Club of North America

  • Pudelpointer **

Pyrenean Mastiff Club of America

  • Pyrenean Mastiff

Schapendoes USA Club

  • Schapendoe

Slovensky Tchouvatch Dog Club of America

  • Slovensky Cuvac

Small Munsterlander Club of North America

  • Small Munsterlander

The Akitainu Hozonkai

  • Japanese  Akitainu  **

United Perro de Presa Canario Club

  • Presa Canario **

Volpino Italiano Club of America

  • Volpino Italiano  **

Working Kelpie Council

  • Working Kelpie **