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Why keep records?

Recording what you do with your pup on a weekly basis is very important. Weekly records allow you to track your dog’s progress as he develops, and give you a means of reviewing what worked and what didn’t work on an individual level. Additionally, weekly records from participants provide us with a gold mine of data, which we can use to improve the program and provide better guidance to you, thereby increasing success rates for everyone. This data also gives us real evidence for the suitability of detection dogs sourced from U.S. breeders, which is critical for enabling federal agencies to purchase your dogs. Never underestimate the power of record keeping!

How do I assess my dog’s performance?

  • Environmental Stability
  • Socialization
  • Reward Engagement
  • Search
  • Olfactory Acuity
  • Physical Exercise
  • Play

The dog’s performance in each category is evaluated in terms of motivation/ability (how the dog’s behavior helps or hinders his ability to complete the task) and excitement/arousal (how much energy the dog directs at the target behavior).